Colon cancer detection: weigh the options

Colon cancer detection is an important part of routine medical care. If you are not sure which colon cancer detection test is better for you, ask these questions.

By Mayic staff clinic

If your doctor has recommended the detection of colon cancer, you may be able to choose between several colon cancer detection tests.

If you are reluctant to make a decision, remember that any discomfort or shame of the detection of colon cancer is temporary, and detecting early problems could save your life.

Detection tests are used only if it has no intestinal symptoms. If you have signs and symptoms, such as abdominal pain, a change in intestinal habits, bleeding, constipation or diarrhea, then you will need other tests to address these problems.

If you do not have intestinal symptoms, consider the following questions to help choose the colon cancer detection test that is better for you.

What preparation is involved?

The preparation for the detection of colon cancer can be uncomfortable or inconvenient, but it is necessary that the test be effective. As part of your decision, consider your disposition or ability to follow the preparation instructions for specific colon cancer detection tests.

This can, for various degrees, include avoiding solid foods before the exam, adjust your medications and drink a laxative solution or use enemas to empty your colon.

How convenient is the test?

In addition to the preparation of the test, consider:

  • How long will the test take?
  • How often you need to repeat the test
  • If you will need sedation
  • How much follow -up attention will you need?
  • The possible need for monitoring tests to investigate a false positive finding or eliminating the tissue

What about cost and insurance problems?

Discover how much each colon cancer detection costs costs, as well as what your insurance company proves. Consider if you are willing to pay your pocket if necessary.

What is your attitude towards detection tests?

The more thorough the colon cancer detection test, the more likely you will have to detect cancer or precancerous polyps. On the contrary, a more thorough test could also mean a more inconvenient or more individual preparation, a slightly higher risk of serious or both complications.

Ask yourself:

  • Will you feel better if you know you have chosen the most thorough detection test?
  • Will you worry or doubt the results if you choose a less sensitive test?
  • How worried is the convenience, preparation or possibility of serious complications?

What is your doctor’s focus for detection tests?

Make sure you feel comfortable with the colon cancer detection test recommended by your doctor. If your doctor specializes in a particular test, but prefers to have another test, express your wishes. Your doctor can offer a reference to someone trained in the test with which you feel more comfortable.

What is your level of risk?

Its risk of colon cancer could influence its choice of detection tests. If you have a higher risk of colon cancer, your doctor could recommend the detection of more frequent colon cancer with colonoscopy.

Talk to your doctor about your risk of colon cancer if you:

  • Have a personal history of colon cancer or precancerous polyps
  • Have a father, brother or son who has had colon cancer
  • Take a gene for a hereditary colon cancer syndrome
  • Have a history of intestinal inflammatory disease, such as ulcerative colitis or crohn disease

What are the pros and cons of each test?

Here is a general description of the most common colon cancer detection tests.


During a colonoscopy exam, a long and flexible tube (colonoscope) is inserted into the rectum. A small video camera on the tube tip allows the doctor to detect changes or abnormalities within the entire colon.

Colonoscopy takes between 30 and 60 minutes and detection is usually repeated every 10 years if there are no abnormalities and does not have a higher risk of colon cancer.


  • Colonoscopy is one of the most sensitive tests currently available for colon cancer detection.
  • The doctor can see all his colon and straight.
  • Abnormal tissue, such as polyps and tissue samples (biopsies) can be removed through scope during the exam.

The cons:

  • It is possible that the exam does not detect all small polyps and cancers.
  • Exhaustive cleaning of the colon is required before the test.
  • Changes in the diet are needed before the test, and you may have to adjust the medications.
  • Sedation is almost always used, and it can take several hours.
  • Due to sedation, he will need someone to take him home.
  • Rare complications may include bleeding from the site where a biopsy was taken or a polyp or other abnormal tissue, or bleeding of a breakage in the colon or straight wall.
  • Crabres or swelling can occur later.

Stool DNA test

The DNA test of the feces uses a sample of the feces to search DNA changes in the cells that could indicate the presence of colon cancer or precancerous conditions. The DNA test of the feces also looks for signs of blood in their feces.

For this test, it collects a sample of feces at home and sends it to a laboratory for proof. The DNA test of the feces is generally repeated every three years.


  • The test does not require intestinal preparation, sedation or insertion of a scope.
  • You can eat and drink normally, and take your normal medications, before the test.
  • Stool can be collected at home, avoiding work interruption and daily activities.

The cons:

  • The DNA feces test is less sensitive than colonoscopy to detect precancerous polyps.
  • If abnormalities are found, additional tests may be needed.
  • The tests can suggest an abnormality when none is present (false positive result).

Fecal hidden blood analysis or fecal immunochemical test

The fecal hidden blood analysis (FOBT) and the fecal immunochemical test (FIT) are laboratory tests used to verify stool samples in search of hidden blood (hidden). Tests are generally repeated annually.


  • The collection of stool samples can be done at home.
  • There is no need to empty the colon in advance.
  • There is no need for sedation.

The cons:

  • Tests cannot detect some polyps and cancers.
  • It is possible that certain foods and medications should be avoided for several days before the test.
  • If blood is detected, additional tests may be needed to determine the source.
  • The tests can suggest an abnormality when none is present (false positive result).

Virtual colonoscopy (CT colonography)

During a virtual colonoscopy, a computerized tomography produces transverse images of the abdominal organs, which allows the doctor to detect changes or abnormalities in the colon and the rectum. To help create clear images, a small tube (catheter) is placed inside its rectum to fill its colon with air or carbon dioxide.

Virtual colonoscopy lasts about 10 minutes and is usually repeated every five years.


  • Unlike traditional colonoscopy, virtual colonoscopy does not require sedation or insertion of a reach in the colon.

The cons:

  • Like standard colonoscopy, a complete cleaning of the intestine in advance is required.
  • It is possible that the exam does not detect all small polyps and cancers.
  • Changes in the diet are needed before the test, and you may have to adjust the medications.
  • Radiation exposure can be a concern. However, the radiation level used during a computerized tomography is lower than the amount used in a computerized diagnostic tomography.
  • Since tissue samples cannot be taken during the exam, a monitoring colonoscopy may be necessary if an abnormality is detected.
  • Crabres or swelling can occur later.
  • The test can detect abnormalities in other abdominal organs and additional tests may be needed to determine the cause.

What is the final result?

Choosing a colon cancer detection test may not be an easy decision, but it is potentially lifeguard. Consult your doctor about your colon cancer detection options.

Commit to a detection schedule based on your personal risk factors. Remember, it is detected as long as it is easier to treat.

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