Three students in the city have gone to an expedition of the South Ocean, organized by the National Center for Polar and Ocean Research, Goa.
Arya P. Kumar and Abel Varghese, research academics at the University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies of Kerala (Kufos), will analyze the presence of persistent organic contaminants and oligoelements in the southern ocean, which will help to understand the environmental changes in the region Polar
Abel Varghe
S. Sayanna Shanavas, student of the fourth semester of the Department of Physical Oceanography of the University of Science and Technology of Cochin (Cusat), is also part of the expedition team.

S. Sayanna Shanavas
Around 45 researchers from several research institutions throughout the country are part of the expedition, which will last up to 50 days. The Sayanna research area includes swirls, which focus on studying the masses of swirl water. Swirons play a crucial role in heat distribution and nutrients throughout the region.
The scholars embarked on the research vessel Sa Agulhas From Port Louis, Mauricio, Monday.
Published – February 12, 2025 02:01 am ist