Without using weight reduction injections or fashion diets, a man who thought he would not live more than 30 years radically changed his life by losing 82.55 kilograms in just one year. In his heaviest, Arran Chidwick, 24, weighed 175 kilograms. He often ate a lot of junk food, such as kebabs, hamburgers, chinese food and fried potato bags the size of a family.
Fighting with everyday tasks such as fitting in the plane seats, binding their laces and buying clothes, Arran faced the harsh reality of their weight. He feared that if he did not make drastic changes, he would not survive to see his 30th birthday.
Arran, who works as an attachment of Auchinleck aircraft, East Ayrshire, Scotland, he said Daily Star: “I felt that I was going to die before being 30 years old and I knew I needed to make a change. I was somehow depressed. Weekends constantly.”
“Everyone looked at me in the pub, sweating at concerts, people judge you in the football games, fighting on the plane. I’m glad it is for me now, but it was horrible.”
Before throwing the pounds, they were fighting against anxiety linked to its size. He confessed: “I didn’t realize, but my way of dealing with him was to eat until you step back and you look at him now that I have realized that. When I went to my new job, I thought nobody would want to hire me for my size. “
But after losing weight, he is oozing confidence and anxious to inspire others. However, Arran took control of his health and began a notable weight loss trip. Now, he is ready to run a half marathon and continues to inspire others with his dedication and commitment to a healthier lifestyle.