The state budget for 2025-26 has evoked mixed responses from the Coconut sector full of crisis. It has been allocated to a total disbursement of ₹ 107.64 million rupees for the sector, as well as in the previous budget.
Presenting the budget on Friday, the Minister of Finance, KN Balagopal, announced an assignment of ₹ 22 million rupees for mechanization, regulated mechanization and infrastructure development in the coconut industry. In addition, 38 million rupees have been reserved to stabilize the prices of coconut products and coconut fiber. A sum of ₹ 5 million rupees for the Coco Pedat Industries Development project has been allocated, “which has a high commercial potential.”
In addition, ₹ 13.50 million rupees for the rejuvenation of Cococo Cooperative Societies have been assigned.
‘Very inappropriate’
CB Chandrababu, president of the Coir Workers Center (CITU), said the budget ads would help to relive the industry. “The assigned funds will help protect jobs and salaries of common workers. The industry can advance only through modernization and this budget will guarantee the necessary infrastructure development, ”said Chandrababu.
However, M. Anilkumar, general secretary of the Association of Kerala Coir (Intuc) goods producers, described the assignments as “very inappropriate.” “There is nothing in the budget to relive the sector full of debts. It does not add the unemployment or demand in decline of traditional coconut products, such as looming manuals and mates, manufactured by small -scale units, ”said Mr. Anilkumar.
Published – February 7, 2025 05:56 pm ist