The Trailblazer from the Heart of the Plains
In the heartland of Oklahoma, a political luminary named David Boren has passed away. The beacon of reform that guided his journey through the halls of government and academia has been extinguished at the age of 83.
Boren’s ascent was as swift and decisive as the whirlwind that his “Boren Broomstick Brigade” conjured to sweep away the ossified political establishment. As the nation’s youngest governor at 33, he ignited a transformative fire, wielding his broom to cut taxes, abolish inheritance levies for spouses, and strengthen the prison system.
His unwavering commitment to progress extended to the national stage as he joined the US Senate. There, he emerged as a centrist force, forging alliances across party lines with Presidents Carter, Reagan, and Bush. His stewardship of the Senate Intelligence Committee shaped foreign policy and nurtured the career of future CIA Director George J. Tenet.
Beyond the hallowed halls, Boren championed bipartisan support for sanctions against South Africa’s apartheid regime. In a crowning moment of diplomacy, he helped secure the release of Nelson Mandela, who later became a cherished friend.
But Boren’s legacy extends far beyond the political arena. As president of the University of Oklahoma, he transformed the institution, expanding enrollment, bolstering scholarships, and adding a vibrant tapestry of academic programs. His vision propelled OU to greater heights, cementing his place as a pillar of progress in the state.
In the twilight of his presidency, a shadow fell upon Boren’s reputation. Allegations of sexual misconduct surfaced, casting doubt over the character of the esteemed statesman. Despite his emphatic denials, the allegations led him to sever ties with his beloved university.
Boren’s towering presence will forever cast a long shadow over Oklahoma and the nation. His unyielding pursuit of reform, his unwavering commitment to bipartisanship, and his transformative leadership remain an inspiration to all who believe in the power of progress.