Akruti Book Store, Basavanagudi. | Photo credit: special arrangement
Akruti Books has been a refuge for lovers of the city’s books, offering a cured collection of new and second -hand treasures in regional and English. The bookstore and the editor have carved a niche as a cultural center, regularly organizing literary events that gather readers and writers. Previously located in Rajajingar, the bookstore moved to DVG Road in Basavanagudi and has been open to the public as of January 27.
The new store will focus on creating more space for progressive books, said its founder, Guru Prasad. “With the new store we are trying to place books that are of a progressive nature, oriented against the caste and books that are published mainly by independent editors who do not have a large distribution network. The new store will focus greatly on this idea. “
Kabir’s notebook | Photo credit: special arrangement
As an inaugural event in the new place, Akruti on January 28 at 5 pm will organize an argument on “the sum of equality: Kabir, Ambedkar and the Buddha”. There will be a discussion about the book The notbook of kabir: thinner than water, more fierce than fire By Anand, who will also sing Kabir composition. In this musical exploration, Anand deepens how Kabir often interprets, reinvents and returns to the teachings of the Buddha and more.
Kabir’s NotBookAs the book propaganda says, it is “the story of how Anand is lost trying to find Kabir. The book talks about how Kabir is the most alive of all dead poets. It is a fabric without stitches. Without centers, without edges. ..

Akruti Book Store | Photo credit: special arrangement
Anand, editor and editor of Navayana Tust, an editorial in Delhi, has spent three decades studying thoughts against Br Ambedkar’s works. In the last seven years, he has been learning Dagarvani Dhrupad under Ustad Wasifuddin Dagar in Delhi. His trip with Ambedkar’s ideas took him to Kabir, and Kabir, in turn, inspired him to rediscover the music after a self -imposed parenthesis of 15 years.
Followed by the musical discussion, Akruti Book will also organize a conversation with the political and associated professor at the National Law School of India University (NLS), Rinku Lamba, and historian, Chandrabhan Yadav, who is also associated professor at NLS.
Published – January 28, 2025 09:00 am isth