
APUSH Score Calculator

APUSH Score Calculator

Use the sliders below to input your scores and calculate your total and predicted AP score.



MCQ Score: x

FRQ Score: x

Total Composite Score: xx/130

Predicted AP® Score: x

APUSH Score Calculator: Anticipating AP U.S. History Mark.

The APUSH Score Calculator is basically a tool that estimates your potential score in the AP U.S. History exam. AP history can be seen as a key goal to achieve since it allows high school students to earn college credits and thus the AP U.S. History exam stands at such significance. Our APUSH Score Calculator assists you in estimating the score you will get in the AP U.S. History exam depending on the score marks you provide. Thus if you are preparing for the exam or are interested in checking your performance compared to your last practice, this tool can help you approximate your range of performance.

Instructions for using the tool

To use the APUSH Score Calculator, follow these easy steps Enter your practice test scores: Use the sliders to input your performance in different sections of the exam (Multiple Choice, Short Answer, and Essay Questions). Adjust your results: As you move the sliders, the tool will automatically calculate an estimated APUSH score. See your estimated score: Based on the data you provide, the calculator will give you an approximate score range (1 to 5) that you might earn on the actual exam.

How does the APUSH score come about?

Our APUSH Score Calculator works by estimating the percentage of the U.S. History AP Exam exam you would obtain based on the weighted average of your answers furnished. The examination has approximately two main components, which include one:

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) – This is 40% of your score.

Free-Response Questions, This section focuses on the issues such as:

Short Answer Questions (SAQs) – This scores has a 20% weight.

A Document Based Question (DBQ) and a Long Essay Question (LEQ) – This weights 40% of your final score.

Every component has a certain weight, therefore there is a marking system in which your marks are averaged as per the weight and your estimated final score is provided.

Let’s take the examiner situation a little further – when the marking comes into play, it is possible to expect the overall score where the person aces the multiple-choice section while having weaker marks in the essay portions to be quite low as well. Final mark arbitrary range spans from 1 to 5, where 5 is the ideal score.

Questions to the Author: And the last one.

  1. What do you think about the answer key provided along with the APUSH Score’s calculator?

The remarking range in relationship to the Old APUSH exams folding strategy should suffice to inform one as to how they did without the need to get fidgety while awaiting their official APUSH score announcement.

  1. How can I improve my APUSH score?

When scoring lower in an aspect while taking the AP exam, one should devote attention to the factors which are negatively influencing their scores, like practicing free response essay writing or working on historical facts for Erasing of Multiple-choice. It may also be helpful to work with past APUSH exams and sample questions.

  1. What does each APUSH score mean?

Score 1: A frame of no recommendation – This means there is no master level on that content.

Score 2: A frame of Possibly qualified – has some knowledge, but does not pass the mark set out by colleges.

Score 3: A frame of Qualified: Has knowledge which is recommended for a lower college level.

Score 4: A frame of Well Qualified: This is a strong frame, the understanding is solid.

Score 5: A frame of Extremely Well Qualified: Performance is exceptional and warrants college credit.

  1. Can this calculator be used for other AP exams?

NO, this tool has been made exclusively for use during the AP U.S. History (APUSH). Although, there are other AP’s that has similar resources, and it should be noted that every exam might have its own scoring system and section weight distributions.

  1. What next is left for me after I have used the calculator?

After using the calculator, make sure to review the areas where you scored lower so that you can harmonize your study efforts with those sections. Furthermore, it is also good to practice full length exams but in time constrained conditions to mimic the real testing atmosphere.

Get Started with the APUSH Score Calculator

Looking to make an estimate of your APUSH score? Simply take the sliders below and enter your achievements. Our tool will do its magic and present an estimated score for you. Good luck in your studies and I hope you will achieve the score that you are looking for!

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