The State Higher Education Council of Andhra Pradesh (APSCHE) has identified universities and has nominated the conveners for the realization of common income tests (CET) for admission to engineering, law, MBA, MCA, education, education, education, education, education, education Physics and other courses for academic year 2025-26.
The Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU) -Kakinada will carry out the Common Engineering, Agriculture and Pharmacy Input Test (APAPCET) of Andhra Pradesh. Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Jntu-K, VV Subba Rao, is his convening.
Sri Padmavathi Mahila Viswavidyalayam, Tangupati, will carry out the AP Lawcet, and its law teacher T. Sitakumari is the convener.
JNTU-ANANTAPUR will carry out the Common Engineering Input Test (APECET), and its mechanical engineering teacher B. Durga Prasad is the convener.
The University of Andhra in Visakhapatnam will carry out the Common Postgraduate Engineering Test AP (Appgecet). The EEE professor at P. Mallikarjuna Rao University is the call.
The University of Andhra will also carry out the Common Integrated AP (APICET) test, and its computer engineering professor is the convening.
The Acharya University Nagarjuna, Guntur, will carry out the Common Physical Education Test AP (APECET). Anu Paul Kumar Physical Education Professor is the coordinator. ANU will also carry out the common entry test AP Education (FENC.CET) and its Environment Professor Avvs Swamy is the coordinator.
The Sri Venkateswara University, Tipruati, will carry out the common postgraduate input test AP (APPGCET) and the common entry test of AP Research (APRCET), and its teacher at the Eastern Research Institute PC Venkateswarlu is the connector.
Published – February 9, 2025 05:54 am isth